Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'height' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'autoplay' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'theme' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'loop_video' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'enable_fullscreen' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_related' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_popup' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumb_popup_width' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'thumb_popup_height' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_title' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_youtube_icon' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_annotations' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_progress_bar_color' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'autohide_parameters' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'set_initial_volume' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'initial_volume' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'disable_keyboard' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 57

Warning: Illegal string offset 'set_initial_volume' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 68

Warning: Illegal string offset 'set_initial_volume' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 68

Warning: Illegal string offset 'enable_fullscreen' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 70

Warning: Illegal string offset 'autoplay' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 74

Warning: Illegal string offset 'theme' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 75

Warning: Illegal string offset 'loop_video' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 76

Warning: Illegal string offset 'enable_fullscreen' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 77

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_title' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 78

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_youtube_icon' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 79

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_annotations' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 80

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_progress_bar_color' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 81

Warning: Illegal string offset 'autohide_parameters' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 82

Warning: Illegal string offset 'disable_keyboard' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 83

Warning: Illegal string offset 'show_related' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 84

Warning: Illegal string offset 'loop_video' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 92

Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 110

Warning: Illegal string offset 'height' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 110

Warning: Illegal string offset 'width' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 110

Warning: Illegal string offset 'height' in /home/xsofthost/public_html/help/wp-content/plugins/youtube-video-player-pro/fornt_end/front_end.php on line 110
Add FTP Account on cPanel - XsoftHost

Add FTP Account on cPanel

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

What is FTP: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard Internet protocol for transmitting files between computers on the Internet over TCP/IP connections.FTP allows you to manage the files that are associated with your website through an FTP client such as FileZilla ,Cyberduck etc..

Because FTP is a client-server protocol that relies on two communications channels between client and server, there is need to create the FTP account on web server then use these credentials on client software to transfer data between client and server.

If you are hosting your website on cPanel Web Server, there are few simple steps to create your ftp account .  the following describe in details how to create the FTP Account:

  1. Log In to your cPanel : your cPanel link may look like https://hostname:2083 or https://yourdomain.com:2083
  2. On your Home Page of cPanel go to section Files then click FTP Accounts

  3. On the next page you can add new ftp account by fill the following:
    1. Log In : create the ftp username like ftpaccount
    2. Password : type the password associated with the ftp account
    3. Password (Again) : re-type the password “You may click Password Generator to allow the cPanel to create strong password “
    4. Directory: choose the directory you want to allow full access to the folder and sub folders “Please Note that the folder should exists ; you may type / to allow root access of the web site folder”
    5. Quota: is the the quota in MB that allowed by the user to upload as maximum “You may select Unlimited size”
    6. Click Create FTP Account and you should see success message of account createion.

  4. To see the list of the ftp accounts you can go from cPanel Home and click “FTP Accounts” then you can see the full list of FTP accounts : you have options for each account to Change password;Change Quota;Delete the account;Configure FTP Client which shows you ftp connection settings that can be configured for each clients applications like “FileZilla (for Windows)”,”CoreFTP (for Windows)”,”Cyberduck (for Mac)”You can see also Special FTP Accounts : Special FTP Accounts are linked to administrative aspects of your hosting account and cannot be deleted.its created automatically by cPanel system.
XsoftHost Support

Tags: cPanelFTP

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