How to Park Domain within WHM
Park a Domain Within WHM Parked domain (Alias Domain) is a secondary domain that points to the user’s primary domain. When users try to browse parked domain’s website, then the system will display the primary
Park a Domain Within WHM Parked domain (Alias Domain) is a secondary domain that points to the user’s primary domain. When users try to browse parked domain’s website, then the system will display the primary
MySQL Linux Commands We are going to take a quick tour of common Linux command to deal with MySQL database: Login to MySQL in Linux using command line To login to MySQL database run the
Why you need DKIM Enabled on your Domain DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a way to make an encrypted digital signature to your email. DKIM helps prevent email spoofing. Email spoofing is when spammers send
Common reasons require you to restart Iptables firewall Service Iptables is firewall service that comes and distributed within Linux OS. In most cases you need to restart Iptables firewall service if you made changes to
What are the differences between apache2 and httpd Service First on this article you may see different service name for the Apache (apache2 and httpd) .Actually httpd and apache2 are the same both refer to
Why you need to Restart SSH Service Sometimes you may need to change some configurations inside MySQL configuration file my.cnf , so after you made or modify the MySQL cnf file ,properly you need to Stop
Why you need to Restart SSH Service As root System Administrators its one of the common tasks you need to be done on live servers is restarting services.If you change ssh configuration file (for example
How to add Hosting Service Plan in Plesk As a reseller or administrator account Plesk control panel provide the ability to setup packages that limit the resources your customers can use by creating what Plesk
What is Plesk Scheduled Task Scheduled Task is a tool provided by Plesk control panel that allow you to run scripts on your server at specific time, and make the system automatically run the scripts
How to change cPanel accounts Packages in WHM WHM control panel allows you to Upgrade and downgrade existing cPanel accounts to different cPanel Packages,this function available for cPanel resellers account and root administrators. Login to
Each failover IP address will need its own line in the configuration file. The configuration file is called “50-cloud-init.yaml” and
What is mdadm? The mdadm utility can be used to create and manage storage arrays using Linux’s software RAID capabilities.Administrators
There are several scenarios that you might need to increase or decrease your php maximum upload file using php script