How to Import Export MySQL database using SSH connection

Commands on Linux to Import/Export MySQL

Frist login to your server using SSH
then you have to run some commands for import/export MySQL database
Note:you need to know the database username and password

to simulate an exmaple lets consider the following:

  • dbusername: cpnluser_user as a database user example, cpnluser as a cPanel username example.
  • dbpassword: mypwd123.
  • dbname: cpnluser_database as database name
  • path to the file: /home/cpnluser/public_html/databases/db_file.sql as location of import/export file path.

Database import

mysql -u cpnluser_user -pmypwd123 cpnluser_database < /home/cpnluser/public_html/databases/db_file.sql
mysql -u cpnluser_user -p cpnluser_database < /home/nctests/public_html/cpnluser/db_file.sql
then ssh will ask your for the cpnluser
_user password

Database export

mysqldump -u cpnluser_user -pmypwd123 cpnluser_database > /home/cpnluser/public_html/databases/db_file.sql
mysqldump -u cpnluser_user -p cpnluser_database > /home/cpnluser/public_html/databases/db_file.sql
then ssh will ask your for the cpnluser_user password

XsoftHost Support

Tags: LinuxMySQL

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